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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Quite a rainy week eh...rained almost every afternoon...yeah...
The Dance concert starts off a series of concerts on every Fri up till the end of term 2...and that obviously means the year 1 initiates will have to usher every single Fri night...reminds me of the good old times last year when we ushered like there was no tmr haha...was fun, and got to watch free concerts, and hence I ushered quite a number of concerts =P
Regale wasn't bad at all, was quite entertaining ya...well...that was on Fri and Sat...but somehow I get the feeling that Dance sorta lack some guys eh...haha yeah...but quite nice la...most of the dances quite graceful and ya got cover quite a number of genres, at least I think so...ya haha...Great performance by the VJ Dance Club!!
Woohoo...great...Bio test on Mon haha...that one best liao...haven't started yet and Monday sounds like tmr? Haha...die liao la...esp since I didn't do the tuts at all...haven't even really read the notes yet...hm...see what I can do from today till tmr la...hopefully can make it ya...

我不会说 不想说 怕说了也没有用
现在我的幽默 只是掩饰著心痛 我的难过

我想要学会自我催眠 痛觉会少一些
潜意识作祟 想著想到失眠
我躺在没有你的房间 寂寞更加明显
我渐渐的自我催眠 却回不到从前

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:18 pm

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Thursday was some Sports Day ah...was actually quite sian before that la but well...it turned out to be not bad la...quite entertaining actually, cos some of the races quite unexpected and stuff. Mwahahz, just realised on that morning that junior class got one person is house comm nominee haha...a bit the slow eh...but Lynx as usual not very enthu la...but i think much better than last year liao...yepz...very expected race was the 4 x 400 guys race la, Ursa was like uber strong but somehow Draco won...Fast is the only word to describe la sia...damn fast haha...
Good Friday wasn't so good for me...woke up quite early at 9 liddat? Watched Hunter X Hunter for quite long...then eat lunch and went back to sleep!! Pig man haha...Yesh woke up and finally got the discipline to step outta my house and run, in a bid to improve my 2.4km...yeah...hopefully if I'm in good condition and if the weather is good I can do well...full of "if"s eh...really hope can do well in the last napfa I'm taking ya...think the other items shouldn't be a prob with 5 pt ba...2.4 is the one la haha...hopefully this last min training will help? Trained on Sat too haha...quite fierce eh...but I think when got school won't feel like training lol...most impt is do my best ba...but got a bit of shin splint liao, also not say very fierce...hm...dono why eh.
Anyway, must jia you for everything liao or else jia lat eh ;)


You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:10 pm

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A special day calls for a special post haha. Yeah...national cross country...VS got double champs again for the 2nd year running!! Cool man...probably the last time I'll attend this...not too sure about that though but well...have to thank the runners a lot for giving this special day such a special result. Absolutely brilliant...hope they can keep it up ya...Cross country will always be a VS niche man...haha
But wasn't exactly happy with the "instructors" and "leaders", they were just unable to fire up the VS contingent...I can see a little sense of responsibility in some of them la...but the passion that once flowed in the veins of each and every Victorian was practically non-existant...Couldn't believe it la...was so pissed that I ticked off a group of red shirts...dono junior leader or instructor or what crap la...cos they didn't even really try to cheer la...lack enthusiasm, much less to say the motivational factor for the rest of the school to follow...
But really, the new system just sucks la...giving crappy peer leaders and what junior leaders shit makes the leadership body really sucky. I'd rather they leave it the old system, plain camp instructors and leaders...small but effective and the quality of leadership to lead the school to cheer and stuff is far better...The last part when cheering also dono what cock they doing la...spelling cheer also screw up, whole world only push push push...like some crap.
I think that the spelling cheer started by our batch one was even better and more solid than the whole bunch of people la...but quite disappointed in the turn out rate of the old boys, I really hardly see any year 1s coming back to support VS la...year 2s also like saw 10 liddat only? Last time used to have hordes coming back to cheer lo...has VS really degenerated that much? Really very disappointing...
VJ didn't do as well...3rd for guys and 4th for girls...expected much from them cos we were double champs for Wings...but dono why couldn't really perform very well...but can't really fault them...think got 5 of our runners in top 20 for both guys and girls...and ya they trained hard...hope they can do better next year ba...

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 10:11 pm

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Another week has passed...hm...not a very good one as usual...anyway when has it really been good for me haha...the bruise on my dear left foot still there...and the pain does not seem to subside. Well, good thing is that it doesn't affect my walking or running much but when pressure is applied, it hurts ya...so I'm not that worried about it, just hope it heals soon but doesn't look like there has been any improvement since last week.
Finally beginning to do some of my tutorials...usuals like bio I never touch la haha...chem also only mcq...better start doing them soon la haha...but quite sian too eh. It's good that I'm beginning to start working a bit ya...but well, that's probably the only good thing? Too lazy to train for 2.4 ya...and also sorta trying to do tuts during weekdays ya so sorta busy and can't run...this time last year I was like going for match supports and having fun but now I'm like slogging over work and what not...well...will try to run more ba...needa improve my timing to get better results for napfa. Pull ups also try to hit above 20 ba...practically haven't improved much since last year's peak...so jia you ba haha...
Karekano has this abrupt ending la...quite a nice anime but maybe could've had more development in the latter stages instead of the flashbacks ya and I'd have loved to see the story progress further but it's still quite a decent anime, different from those normal fighting and violent ones ya...
Cleared up my room just now...whoa...used 2 1/3 small buckets of water to clean my shelf and my tablt alone!! Actually needed a 3rd one but was too lazy to go clear the black water inside the bucket haha...and ya...haven't packed or cleaned my notes (yes, they're full of dust) or drawers yet...so actually it looks quite tidy from the outside as compared to the previous pig sty it was...threw away some stuff that I deemed to be rubbish too lol...Didn't clean the comic shelves and yeah the top cupboards full of comics...and my gundam boxes either...and bags...sounds like still got a lot to clear? But hey...cleaned my room the first time since I moved here 3 years plus ago =P mwahahz, wonder if I should clean it again sometime? But well...as I said it looks rather tidy and clean on the outside but on the inside it may not be so pleasant...sounds somewhat like me? The outside is used more often than the inside anywayz...
Hm...wonder what have I been doing for the past 1 year and 4 months? Yeah...well...no point brooding over what I haven't done at all...I'm at a loss now ya...don't know what's happening and don't know what to do...if only I had a better idea of what's going on...

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 9:41 pm

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Two weeks ago was a great minor sprain and this weekend...got a brilliant bruise on my left foot...unbelievable...got it while changing bedsheets -_-"...damn lame sia...left foot got sandwiched between the floor and the bed and when I moved my left foot...yeah big bruise...everything on my left foot ah...also dono why...hm...but the ankle's better liao but the old injury I thin still there...never seems to heal...hopefully can run tmr ba...got pe lea and better not rain cos it's darn pouring right now...dowan to do lame stuff like last week la...
Musicfest was on Fri night...gave it a miss thanks to the promotion and awards ceremony...well...maybe this will be the last time till a long time ahead until I get to see my fellow 03/05 VIP batchmates ba...so it wasn't too bad...took several photos I guess but always never know where to photos end up and ya...never really get to see most of them heh...
A lot of tuts and stuff to finish? Yeah...but lazy me can't be bothered to finish them haha...got do the minimum that is required to go thru for the next tut lessons I guess...but even so quite a number of blanks here and there and it all adds up ya...tired sia...dono why but slept quite a bit lea...and tmr some bio spa skill b eh...can't rmb what I needa know =P
Just feel like slacking off and not think of anything...yeah...that should make me feel better...

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:26 pm