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Sunday, August 22, 2004

Hai...last post until after o's I suppose. Yeah...no chance to see me online either cos my broadband has been cut after August and prelims coming soon so can't really use I guess. Yep, so even if wanna come online also cannot ba. Doubt I can even check my own email. So much to say that can hardly be put into words.
Yeah...hopes for an Olympic medal has been dashed...Li Jia Wei also crashed out of the 3rd and 4th placing, how things can happen exactly as the Olympics four years ago. So history does repeat itself, really sad thing. Ronald Susilo seemed to stand a good chance but he too lost earlier on, ironic thing that the couple both lost. Hopefully next time can make it...by then I'll be four years older heh.
Some things I'd like to say later but I don't have the chance. Still quite some time before graduation but I've gotta say this way beforehand ya. Victoria School has given so much to the students and it's time for us to return the favour. I feel that each and every Victorian has definitely benefited much from the four years in this fine institution. This very institution in which we've spent our four years growing up, maturing and learning. There has been much opportunities given to us and for me as well. Given the chance to be the chairperson of VSRCCU but didn't really take the chance. Was nominated to attend LTC but not selected. Was nominated to be asst monitor but ended up becoming class chairperson, so many things given to me but I just sorta took things for granted. Come to think of it now, I'm regretting what I did, you know wasted my time and slacking and stuff. Every Victorian definitely has the chances in terms of leadership, academics and other aspects. I'd definitely like to thank the school for all that it has given to us and bred in us, the students. What's important in people's eyes may be the academic results but I personally feel that letting the Victorian Spirit live on should be of utmost importance to every Victorian. I just wanna thank Victoria School for everything it has given to us and no matter where I go, I'll never forget the wonderful days I've had in there. Be it in Red Cross, 1A, 2A, 3J, 4J, school events, national events, all the memories will be etched vividly in my mind. The open book symbolising lifelong learning, the torch symbolising truth and the passing on of a tradition and also illuminating the way of Victorians who venture forth to excel beyond the shores of Singapore. Yellow standing for dignity and excellence and red symbolising universal brotherhood and equality. That's the school crest of Victoria School. Seven core values of Victoria School namely: Performance excellence, integrity, tradition, professionalism, innovation, global mindedness, strategic alliances and compassion. Everything in VS is important.
Feeling lethargic...yeah tomorrow's my oral, hopefully can make it lah...Prelims starts next week, practicals, English, following week more practicals and Higher Chinese. After the holidays, prelims will resume...unprepared, don't know where I can go, just try to do my best.
Wish everyone good luck for the coming prelims and o's.
Hope things can get even better heh...yeah...it'd be really nice...
I shall end off with the Victorian Anthem and the school motto: Nil Sine Labore. Work hard Victorians, and bring the school back up to where we belong!!

Victorian Anthem

Victoria In Singapore,
There are other schools we know,
Victoria is something more,
The school that watch'd us grow.

For here we've learnt and striven too.
And played the sportsman's game;
Victoria, we give to you
The honour that you claim.

Victoria thy sons are we,
And we will not forget,
Victoria thy triumphs see,
And victories we share yet.

For others came before and went,
And carried to the world,
Victoria's fame and our intent
To keep her flag unfurled.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:46 pm

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Wah...feel like crying liao, Ronald Susilo so fast out of Olympics, he seemed so promising during the first match. His performance was excellent lor...now is like suddenly lose to that Thai guy...dashed our hopes for one Olympic medal liao...But he didn't really play well especially 2nd set...15-1...omg, must be a hard blow to him. Just hope he'll fare better in the future ba...but gotta admit the Thai had a sensational performance...really didn't expect out of that guy. Kao...don't know whether table tennis can make it, hope can ba.
Hm...just realised can climb rope using hands only...double rope also can heh. Okay lah no big deal lah but improvement still though. Pull ups finally hit 10 last week...take it easy lah, so many more important things than that...
Also nothing to say now...stuff piling up, a bit beginning to cannot take it lioa, prelims next week start, utterly unprepar4ed, don't know what to do sia. Can just go die liao...doubt can make it liao. Things certainly don't look good for me at all...how can I feel good when in such a state...not only myself...sigh...
My days on the net and com is numbered...maybe this weekend one last blog ba...no chance to even give tribute to the school on graduation day, think about 15th October or maybe earlier? This blog gonna close down until o's over ba...worse thing is my email gonna go bonkers and stuff all deleted...all the nice stuff I have in there...a bit cannot bear to part with some stuff...


久未放晴的天空 依旧留着妳的笑容 
哭过 卻无法掩埋歉疚
风箏在阴天搁浅 想念还在等待救援 
我拉着线 复习妳给的温柔
暴晒在一旁的寂寞 笑我给不起承诺 

我只能永远读着對白 读着我给妳的伤害 
我原谅不了我 就请妳当作我已不在
我睁开双眼看着空白 忘记妳对我的期待 
读完了依赖 我很快就离开

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:01 am

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Tired...yesterday pretty unlucky, kena ram at my left shin, kena bruise...that Kennick, one on one he just ram my shin...but it was a pretty good game. Han Ze played pretty well, heard next week last PE lessons liao, damn sad, no more chance to play with my classmates liao...hardly have lah at least...
Sigh...all the good things slowly one by one slipping by me...worse is can't do anything about it. Can't bear to think of the last day in VS lor, don't know when...think I surely cry...so much has happened in the past four years. Imust be grateful to enter VS...such a great institution that has bred so much within the students. Great leaders...
Prelims drawing nearer...low in confidence liao...the Physics mock was rather easy considering that I didn't study much. Bio was a real killer. HCL did like shit like that, don't know how lah, wan dan le...but try my best ba...


翻着我们的照片 想念若隐若现
去年的冬天 我们笑得很甜
看着妳哭泣的脸 对着我说再见
来不及听见 妳已走得很远
也许妳已经放弃我 也许已经很难回头
我知道自己错过 请再给我一个理由
说妳不爱我 就算是我不懂 能不能原谅我
请你回头 我会陪妳一直走到最后
就算没有结果 我也能够伸手
我知道妳的痛 是我给的承诺
妳说给过我纵容 沉默是因为包容
如果要走 请你记得我 如果难过 请妳忘了我

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 11:34 pm

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Hmz...today quite alright lah, nothing much...Early morning got bad thing happen liao, I also nothing to say lah, this kindda things happen to 4J, real unfortunate lor...aiyoh, also cannot say much lah. We've known each other for close to two years at least but still like that...
Chem was like doing the dono what TKGS mcq ah, dono why she never go through our vs prelim one leh...do liao also no use, must get answers from her then can check...English starting already got quite some stuff liao, say a lot lor, cannot digest but one thing I gotta agree is that really gotta look forward instead of looking backward lah, I mean really...no point thinking back on the time wasted and wasting more time, at least try to meet your goals instead of standing by and letting things go by. At least there's a chance to succeed if we try. It's better to try your best and fail then not trying at all...who knows whether you will make it or not...
Got the bio pract. Last one liao...do the yeast thingy, smells like rotting alcohol, really. Stinks badly. But heck also lah, no big deal. Got the leaf one, calculate the area and stuff, not to difficult lah but explanation a bit hard. CME watched part of "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest"...something like that, forgot the title. Not bad lah watch until here, pretty good, about this some guy go to mental hospital to escape his duties in the jail or something. Supposedly reflects the society lah...but I don't really get how it does lor...nvm lah.
Tired...got a lot of homework lea...how to finish, A Maths got a whole lot. Tomorrow E Maths mock lea, how to prepare, no time...Not that difficult lah but still gotta read up and stuff and 1 hour of lessons where got enough time for the mock!?


像我的喜欢 被妳看穿 摊位上一朵艳阳
我悄悄出现妳身旁 妳慌乱的模样
我微笑安静欣赏 我顶着大太阳
只想为妳撑伞 妳靠在我肩上
深呼吸怕遗忘 因为捞鱼的蠢游戏我们开始交谈
汽球在我手上 我牵着妳瞎逛
有话想对妳讲 妳眼睛却装忙
圆游会影片在播放 这个世界约好一起逛

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:54 pm

So fast these few days of holidays pass. How fast time passes...really nothing much to say lah, just that gonna die for the prelims liao, quite sure of it lah. Not really well prepared and my mocks so far generally really screwed up...
Trying to make up for lost time lah but really difficult, so much to cover within such a short span of time and then it's like got oral for o's as well, gotta prepare...don't really know how to do so also lor, quite diffcult...Really got so much things to do...tuition work, homework, still gotta study...no time for all...aiyoh also don't know what to do. Hopefully can make it ba...
Feeling quite down ba...thought got hope heh...wishful thinking on my part...haha. But still, all is not lost, I surely hope so lahzzz...but really had fun lah I've gotta say...


窗外的麻雀 在电线杆上多嘴
妳说这一句 很有夏天的感觉
手中的铅笔 在纸上来来回回

秋刀鱼 的滋味 猫跟妳都想了解
那温暖 的阳光 像刚摘的鲜艳草莓

雨下整夜 我的爱溢出就像雨水
院子落叶 跟我的思念厚厚一叠
几句是非 也无法将我的热情冷却

雨下整夜 我的爱溢出就像雨水
窗台蝴蝶 像诗里纷飞的美丽章节
我接着写 把永远爱妳写进诗的结尾

那饱满 的稻穗 幸福了这个季节
妳突然 对我说 七里香的名字很美

雨下整夜 我的爱溢出就像雨水
院子落叶 跟我的思念厚厚一叠
几句是非 也无法将我的热情冷却
妳出现在我诗的每一页 整夜

整夜 我的爱溢出就像雨水 窗台蝴蝶
像诗里纷飞的美丽章节 我接着写
把永远爱妳写进诗的结尾 妳是我唯一想要的了解

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:04 am

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Nowadays a bit dormant ah my com...maybe not lah bro whole day using. University like so free leh but maybe because orientation still. Today quite a bad day lor...first thing the blood donation stuff, a bit the under medication so cannot donate blood...waste my time sia...could've done my E Maths work lor...
Next thing was damn pro, my test tube broke again...damn qiang...unlucky sia...then the bio practical...so damn difficult...ok at least to me lah. Don't understand what they testing sia, what ink float up the sucrose solution and stuff...no relevance from what I know sia...die liao, total goner. Saturday mock already half prepared only...argh. A Maths tuition sorta alright ba...went o to vectors liao not diffcult up to now lah, relative velocity I got big problem liao...
My hip there and right ankle sorta aching...from the cross country but old injury I guess...last time run 2.4 and take 5 stations already pain liao...guess it'll do good to rest a bit...
Tomorrow no lessons at all...go school for what...celebrate National Day...a bit waste time lah but it's an occassion to be celebrated though.


走过了很多地方 我来到伊斯坦堡
就像是童话故事 有教堂有城堡
每天忙碌地的寻找 到底什么我想要
心血来潮起个大早 怎么我也睡不著
昨晚梦里妳来找 我才
原来我只想要妳 陪我去吃汉堡
杵在伊斯坦堡 却只想妳和汉堡

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 11:08 pm

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Wah tired sia...slept at 2 plus I think, couldn't sleep at all...then still run cross country in the morning....today damn pro sia. Both Marcus and Kennick never come...both monitor and asst monitor also never come...coincidental sia...end up I take attendance...then Yusuf pro lor, wear half u then don't dare to report to Mrs Chin for attendance taking...
Tired sia...ran like shit like that...aiyoh nothing to say also lah but at least didn't stop at all...still not that bad. But I think can get the team medal heh...top 20 in Kallang I think got me. But really no good lah. Sean Chua first sia...he pro. Joel Poon and Khairul 6th and 7th. The rest forgot liao but remember still got 2 more Kallang people in top 20 for B4 div. B div Kallang champion for both, C div Rochore champion for both...golden age of Kallang going to be gone liao haha...Yah lor my batch, very pro. That time champion everything...Track, cross country, swimming...but now no more lah, cos lower sec Kallang is not very good.
Ahmad Nabil is the man. He went for some ASEAN track meet ah, represent Singapore. 800m got 2nd!! Broke the VS all time best record which was held for 30 plus years...if I didn't hear wrongly...really pro. Maybe next time go for Olympics haha...
After the cross country went Toa Payoh eat, then bopught Jay's new album, listening now...not bad lah. Tired...feel like just sleeping lor. Tomorrow Bio pract mock...sure die one...bio the most difficult one, don't even know do what sia. Saturday is the full paper, never really revise thoroughly lor...argh...

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 2:19 pm

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Aiyoh...totally nothing to say today. Just mug mug mug. My biology, at least sorta finished 3/4 of the sec 3 stuff lah but not that thorough. Finish the whole thing then start whacking the prelim papers and tys, then prepared for mock next sat liao heh.
Wednesday got Inter house cross country. Sure die one...never train at all then also damn lousy...first thing is I don't even know whether I selected to run...but should be ba...hope so, if I run better not pull Kallang down. Sec 1 and 2 got champion lah but last year 2nd only...so dono what's gonna happen this year.
Doing the SS SEQ. Totally screwed up. First thing is not sure what question to do, next thing is don't know how to write. Very, very difficult. Even Mdm Kwok said it was difficult...die liao...
Nothing much to say!? Today very normal...


看藍藍的天空 下綿綿的白雪 停在你臉上
愛在巴黎的賽納河畔上面眺望 趕不上的玻璃船

緊握住我不放 偷偷的聞著你

呼...我喜歡 就這樣 靠在你胸膛
呼...我喜歡 沒有時間 沒有方向
呼...我喜歡 像這樣愛的好自然

呼...我喜歡 一醒來 有你在身旁
呼...我喜歡 賴在床上 看你喝湯
呼...我喜歡 你的手 放在我肩膀
好想就這樣 有你在身旁 一直到天長

在日記裡圈上每一頁都有你 好幸福的時光
對照第一次見面到此刻的溫柔 是不是都一樣

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 10:14 pm